It sure is wonderful to walk around a rainbow gathering and listen to all the sounds. I carry a mini disc digital recorder around with me, amd ask for permission to record when I can. Actually, nobody has ever refused and most are pleased, especially when they learn that I'll make it available on a rainbow website.

This year I got a little over an hour of recordings. I present them here basically unedited other than a bit of equalization to compensate for microphones that emphasize the bass too much. I went from the MD's analog output to my sound board's analog input, recorded as wav and then converted to mp3.

I was having battery problems this year with some old lithium cells, and lost a few hours of other recordings because the MD will trash the disc if the battery runs out before it updates the table of contents. Anyway, here's what I got this year -

Barter Square Drums on the 2nd
At the Casbah 01 Happy Birthday 01 Happy Birthday 02 Casbah 04
Dij 01 Dij 02
Drums 01 Drums 02 Drums 03 Drums 04
Hare Krishna 01 Hare Krishna 02 Hare Krishna 03
Instant Soup 01 Instant Soup 02 Instant Soup 03 Instant Soup 04 Instant Soup 05 Instant Soup 06 Instant Soup 07 Instant Soup 08 Instant Soup 09 Instant Soup 10 Instant Soup 11 Instant Soup 12 Instant Soup 13 Instant Soup 14 Instant Soup 15
Lovin Ovens 01 Lovin Ovens 02 Lovin Ovens 03 Lovin Ovens 04 Lovin Ovens 05